2014-05-29 10:48:30
六月一日良田村舉辦的“糭有啤酒節”,讓我誠邀你出席當天活動,大家分享快樂時刻,當天有酒有糭、有歌有舞亦有talk show。稍後我會送上當天節目時間和詳細資料,若有疑問可致電9043 4553與陳小玲小姐聯絡。
Hear! Hear! MayFest on 1/6
Here at my village Leung Tin Village we will hold a Beer drinking and Rice dumpling eating festival. Good to host for 500 to 1000 people. Free beer and BBQ chicken wings plus David Letterman's Show with song and dance! Great to come.